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website created by me, davienne gabriel, 2020

Hi, I'm Davienne.

I am a digital humanist, content creator, and lover of 80's music. This is where I'm documenting my creative endeavors, projects, and hosting some of my scholarship in digital art history.

As a digital humanist... I combine my passion for art scholarship with technology to not only to discover new and exciting things about art, but to document and preserve shared cultural heritage as well.

As a content creator... I love to make things for myself and others. In a utilitarian sense, I find the "do it yourself" approach of creating media and entertainment more rewarding than being a passive audience. Collaborative creation has always been an important part of my life.

Check out some of my projects below, or get in touch.

Imagining An Impossible Room 3D rendering of a kunstkammer painting
Escape Room Data Data Analysis using Python and Jupyter Notebooks
Simulacra HTML/CSS project imitating a social media website